Additional Information
Weight | 193 g |
Size | 15×7×7 cm |
Place of Production | Isfahan, Iran |
Code of Product | F 3031 |
Satisfaction of Users | 91% |
Handmade | Yes |
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Persian Turquoise flower vase, Spring Design is one of the exclusive products of our collection which is one of the fine art of the noble and noble people of Isfahan.
Persian Turquoise flower vase, Spring Design is one of the best choices you may consider as a decoration or a decent gift. The turquoise pieces used in this work are Neishabur’s (one of the famous artistic cities in Iran) high-quality Turquoise, which are made by the Master on the copper base and finalized.
Try it and get the pure art!
Weight | 193 g |
Size | 15×7×7 cm |
Place of Production | Isfahan, Iran |
Code of Product | F 3031 |
Satisfaction of Users | 91% |
Handmade | Yes |
Turquoise Inlaying or Firoozeh Koobi both on jewellery and containers include a copper, brass, silver, nickel or bronze object on parts of the surface of which small pieces of turquoise are set in mosaic fashion thus giving the object a special glamour. The production of Turquoise Inlaying includes two general stages: Goldsmith is making and preparation of the object intended for Turquoise Inlaying using one of the metals indicated above. Turquoise Inlaying correct placement of turquoise chips on the metal so that it is strong enough and the chips do not come off while burnishing the work.
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In the internet, Turquoise can be mentioned as Turquoise Inlaying, Firoozeh Koobi, Firuzeh kubi, Turquoise Stone on Copper, and Persian Turquoise Handicraft.