Additional Information
Weight | 990 g |
Size | 23 ×11 × 6 cm |
Place of Production | Tehran, Iran |
Code of Product | MOD8019 |
Satisfaction of Users | 93% |
Handmade | Yes |
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If you are looking for a statue as a gift and memento, this statue will definitely be a great choice for you. Statue of the Bird of Knowledge has artistic proof and will be a great gift for anyone who wants to know about Iranian literary and artistic culture.
Due to the nature of the handicrafts and the unrepeatability, this product may have slight differences with the image. No matter if you need a new look for work or play, we’ve got the most unique crafts, in the freshest Persian modern designs, and always keeping it 100% original.
Weight | 990 g |
Size | 23 ×11 × 6 cm |
Place of Production | Tehran, Iran |
Code of Product | MOD8019 |
Satisfaction of Users | 93% |
Handmade | Yes |
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