Additional Information
Weight | 3000 g |
Size | 60 × 100 cm |
Place of Production | Khorasan, Iran |
Code of Product | KL3009 |
Satisfaction of Users | 96% |
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The Persian Kilim, Camel Nomadic Texture is a Kilim that is used for the floor. Due to their nomadic texture, these rugs may have differences and errors in length and width of about 5 cm. The price is so much reasonable and you will buy a different art with this price.This Kilim, Camel Texture is dyeing with using natural colors, made this craft a permanent gift or a unique art in your house! This is one of the casual designs in rural areas in Khorasan Province, north-east of Iran. The pure art of nomadic people will shine in your house and the eastern art will complete your decoration.
Weight | 3000 g |
Size | 60 × 100 cm |
Place of Production | Khorasan, Iran |
Code of Product | KL3009 |
Satisfaction of Users | 96% |
Persian Kilim or Kelim or Gelim, a kind of flat-woven carpet, employed by settled and nomadic families for a host of uses, primarily but not exclusively for covering household items and furnishing the interior of dwellings. Persian Kilim is a term used in Persian-speaking parts of West Asia, especially in Iran, for large tapestry-woven textiles, also referred to as Kilim in the Turkish speaking parts of West Asia. Created mostly by women who have an eye for design and a great sense of color, Kilims are prized for their rich color, diverse designs, their masterfully controlled weave structure, and their fine texture. Textiles from Iran have been famous since antiquity and have been praised by many.
There is debate about the production center or centers of this style of Persian Kilim. Considering that there are too many stylistic and technical variations among all surviving examples to support a common-origin theory, Kashan, Isfahan, and Tabriz are all presented as possible centers for their production.
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In the internet, Persian Kilim can be mentioned as Kilim, Kelim, Gelim, Kilim rugs, Persian Kilim, Kilim fabric, Kilim rug, Tapis Kilim, Kelim rug, Tapis Kilim, Kilim runner, Kilim rug 8×10, pink Kilim rug, Kilim rugs and Kelim Teppich.