Additional Information
Weight | 650 g |
Size | 20×12×12 cm (without the stand) |
Place of Production | Tehran, Iran |
Code of Product | CC 025 |
Satisfaction of Users | 98% |
Handmade | No |
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Hand Carved Candle, Happiness Design (20 cm height) will bring eastern spirits to your house or your friend’s house. The traditional technique of candle carving would involve colorful and ribbon-like layers cut into strips, and adhered back onto these candles.
Bright beautiful candle, made in the style of the famous Iranian art gallery “Shop Iran Art”.Hand Carved Candle, Happiness Design (20 cm height) is very bright and beautiful candle. Made by hand and are made of paraffin wax.
You may order a 11 cm golden color stand (9 Euros) or minakari stand 9 cm (9 Euros) as you can see in the pics. You can order this candle with electric pad (9 Euros) so it will shine without turning on.
Weight | 650 g |
Size | 20×12×12 cm (without the stand) |
Place of Production | Tehran, Iran |
Code of Product | CC 025 |
Satisfaction of Users | 98% |
Handmade | No |
Carved candle s are handmade masterpieces, based on an artistic style, from a period which began around 1600 in Rome, Italy, and spread to most of Europe – the Baroque! Shop Iran Art also specializes in Hand Carved Candles, our in website you will find different styles and colors. Each candle is made in the highest tradition of professional candle making.
Never leave a lit candle unattended.• Prior to lighting the candle its wick must be cut to the length of 1/4 inch.• Pieces of neither matches nor any other objects should be left near molten paraffin.• Keep away from children and pets.• Do not place in the wind, direct sunlight, close to a direct heat source, or next to flammable materials.• Place candles on a stable and nonflammable tray which prevents paraffin leakage.• Place the candle with the tray on a nonflammable surface.• Do not touch and/or move the candle while it is lit or hot.• Packaging and labels must be removed before lighting the candle.• On candles with more than one wick all wicks must be lit at once.
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