Additional Information
Weight | 210 g |
Size | 100 * 100cm |
Place of Production | Isfahan, Iran |
Code of Product | G3026 |
Satisfaction of Users | 95% |
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Persian Qalamkar Tablecloth Pink Circle Design implies the creation of a role on a linen cloth, which today is also done on other pieces.
This sort of cloth is prepared of pure cotton. After finishing printing, they are, in the first stage, steamed for at least an hour to stabilize their designs. Then, the pieces are piled in some large copper vessels containing stabilizers (liquid) and are boiled. At the same time, they are turned upside-down by some wooden sticks and washed again in the water.
Ghalamkar is one of the oldest crafts of ancient Persian which was in the peak of fame of centuries. The art of printing on the cloth original from Iran for you or your friends as a gift!
Weight | 210 g |
Size | 100 * 100cm |
Place of Production | Isfahan, Iran |
Code of Product | G3026 |
Satisfaction of Users | 95% |
A tapestry may be stamped depending on its density and size, between hundreds and tens of thousands of times. For instance, a six-person table-cloth (2 meters by 1.4 meters) should be stamped about 580 times in a normal work, while with the same size up to 4000 times in an elegant work.
In the past, Ghalamkar fabrics have served multiple purposes. The Persian Kings, nobles, and the upper class, wore Ghalamkar silk and cotton clothes ornamented with gold and silver. The fabrics were also used to decorate the interior, frequently utilized as curtains, bedspreads, and wall coverings.
Handprinted Persian Textile (Ghalamkar) is a unique type of patterned Iranian Fabric. The fabric is printed using patterned wooden stamps. The stamps are mostly made of pear wood which has better flexibility and density for carving and long-standing utility.
This Persian Tapestry is washable by hand and with water at 30 degrees Celsius.
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In the internet, Persian Qalamkar can be mentioned as Ghalamkar, Ghalamkari, Ghalamkar tablecloth, Ghalamkar Iran, Ghalamkari for sale, sofreh Ghalamkar, Tapestry, Persian Qalamkar, Qalamkar sale, Qalamkar in Iran, buy Qalamkar, Qalamkar buy online, Qalamkar design, Qalamkar Iran, and Qalamkar shop.