Additional Information
Weight | 2500 g |
Size | 100 × 150 cm |
Place of Production | Kashan, Iran |
Code of Product | GA3009 |
Satisfaction of Users | 96% |
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Persian Gabbeh Rugs, the Dancer Ram Design is dyeing with using 8 artificial colors, with the same patterns of Persian gabbeh rugs. It is a coarse carpet with medium quality materials. This is the ancient art from Iran with modern machines for you or your friends as a gift! This is an iconic pattern for Persian Gabbeh and you may have this craft by cheap price because it is not hand-woven. This product patterns are of a very basic kind with only a limited number of decorative, mostly rectangular objects resembling mainly natural features.
Weight | 2500 g |
Size | 100 × 150 cm |
Place of Production | Kashan, Iran |
Code of Product | GA3009 |
Satisfaction of Users | 96% |
The Persian Gabbeh Rugs are much thicker and coarser than other Persian carpets; sometimes they can be as much as one inch or 2.5 cm in depth. In fact, they are more a variety of Gilim than carpet. The word “gabbeh” meaning raw, natural, uncut. This is a rough and primitive carpet. The Persian Gabbeh are a traditional variety of Persian carpet. Traditionally a sleeping rug, a Gabbeh is a hand-woven pile rug of coarse quality and medium size (90 x 150 cm, 3 by 5 ft, or larger) characterized by an abstract design that relies upon open fields of color and a playfulness with geometry. This type of rug is popular among the populations of the Zagros Mountains of Iran.
The Persian Gabbeh Rugs patterns are of a very basic kind with only a limited number of decorative, mostly rectangular objects resembling mainly animals. In Gabbeh usually bright colors, such as yellow and red, are used. Although large fields of solid color are used in Gabbeh designs, the color is variegated (the color varies throughout the rug, with the appearance of differently colored zones).
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In the internet, Persian Gabbeh Rugs can be mentioned as Gabbeh, Persian Gabbeh Rugs, Gabbeh Wool Rugs, Gabbeh Rugs, Buy Gabbeh, Gabbeh for sale, Tapis Gabbeh, teppich, Tappeti Gabbeh.