Additional Information
Weight | 450g |
Size | 96 x 96 cm |
Place of Production | Yazd, Iran |
Code of Product | G3070 |
Satisfaction of Users | 98% |
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Termeh Luxury Tablecloth, Dela Design is a combination of tablecloths for decorating your house with Persian ancient art in high quality. It is a square tablecloth and the size is 96 x 96 cm.
In the past, the first step in termeh weaving was preparing its raw materials. So it was very important to be careful while preparing wool, washing and drying it.
Try Termeh Luxury Tablecloth, Dela Design and complete your house decoration or get a valuable gift to your friends! We recommend you to have an original item from the east. It is the best and memorable choice as a gift for some one who you care about.
Weight | 450g |
Size | 96 x 96 cm |
Place of Production | Yazd, Iran |
Code of Product | G3070 |
Satisfaction of Users | 98% |
Termeh Quilted Textile has originally known as a sort of hand weaved colourful textile with special patterns mainly Persian Paisley which was originated in Yazd. Traditionally, the cloth was hand-woven using natural silk and wool fiber. Weaving Termeh is a sensitive, careful and time-consuming work such that a good weaver could produce only 25-30 centimeters in a day. Although nowadays they are not 100% handmade, a good quality Termeh can be woven maximum of 100cm due to limited sewing machines for weaving Termeh.
Termeh is a nice cloth which is woven since Safavi era in Iran.There is an argument between researchers about its origin. Some of them believe that termeh has been made in Kashmir and then brought to Iran.Others say that Iranian have been the innovators of weaving termeh and this material has been taken into concentration like other handicrafts in other parts of the world (Kasmir: Historical region divided between India and Pakistan). But it is a real fact that Iranian termeh in comparison with whatever produced in Kashmir is much better and it has different colors and designs.
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