Additional Information
Weight | 5000 g |
Size | 146 × 102 cm |
Place of Production | Yazd, Iran |
Code of Product | C3014 (NOT AVAILABLE) |
Satisfaction of Users | 93% |
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Persian Handmade Carpet, Toranj Pattern is high quality with very fine quality wool. The design of this carpet is very balanced and symmetrical. Typically it will consist of a single indigo, rose or blue medallion surrounded by vines and woven on an ivory background.
In this handmade carpet, the pile is of sheep wool, it’s characteristics and quality vary from each area to the next, depending on the breed of sheep, climatic conditions, pasturage and the particular customs relating to when and how the wool is shorn and processed.
Try a pure art for your house and find the difference of handmade carpet with the artificial.
Weight | 5000 g |
Size | 146 × 102 cm |
Place of Production | Yazd, Iran |
Code of Product | C3014 (NOT AVAILABLE) |
Satisfaction of Users | 93% |
Iranians were among the pioneer carpet weavers of the ancient civilizations, having achieved a superlative degree of perfection through centuries of creativity and ingenuity. The skill of carpet weaving has been handed down by fathers to their sons, who built upon those skills and in turn handed them down to their offspring as a closely guarded family secret. To trace the history of Persian carpet is to follow a path of cultural growth of one of the greatest civilizations the world has ever seen.
A Persian carpet is a heavy textile, made for a wide variety of utilitarian and symbolic purpose, produced in Iran for home use, local sale and export. Carpet weaving is an essential part of Persian culture and Iranian art.
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In the internet, Persian carpet can be mentioned as Persian rugs, Nain rugs, Nain carpets mayfair, nain 4la, perserteppich, tapete, perzisch tapijt, tapis persan, persian rugs sale and persian carpert sale.
Persian carpet
Persian carpet
Persian carpet
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Persian carpet